
Wednesday, May 30, 2012


we haven't definitely have NOT been doing lots of partying these past few weeks 
[though we have had some almost sleepless nights, hah]
[and I did enjoy my first full glass of champagne in over nine months the other day -- it was glorious]

but back to the partying... 
Penny was channeling "Jigga" [Daddy's college persona] when she picked out this lovely ensemble...
special thanks to Whitney for the kegstand onesie - it's definitely one of our faves!

I'm working on a list of our hospital/first few weeks "must-have/lifesavers" -- and of course a post of all the adorable photos of Sweet P that have been taken over the past two weeks! Coming soon... other news, I had a baby two weeks ago?!?! what?! 
it still hasn't really set in.
[though I am happy to report my rings and shoes fit again! HOORAY!]

happy wednesday!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Penelope Rose
Born May 16th, 2012
7 pounds 3 ounces
20 and 7/8 inches long

pure perfection.

apologies for the belated announcement but we've had a whirlwind of a week getting to know our sweet, sweet girl. we've had more kisses and cuddles than you can count partnered with hours upon hours of staring at her exclaiming how beautiful and perfect our sweet Penny truly is...

with that... I'll try and let the updates not be few and far between it's just hard to tear myself away and sit down in front of a computer... feel free to follow along on twitter (asj114) or instagram (annahitaj) for more frequent updates/pictures!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

40 weeks - due date!

I don't really need to write a post...
this webpage sums it all up:

yup. is my due date.
and yes, my uterus is still occupied.

seriously though, life is good - I'm just ready to meet our sweet girl. working from home has been a huge blessing, my sweet husband has been so supportive and attentive, my family and friends have been great, overall I've been feeling pretty good (other than the whole not sleeping and feeling huge thing) not to mention - I have the most loveable and cuddly puppy ever (who is cuddled up to me as I sit and write this).

so no complaints here - just ready and excited for our sweet girl to be here to join the party.

we've been trying all sorts of things to try and "help" bring her along (like walking 2 miles a day pretty much every day, evening primrose, red raspberry leaf tea, spicy foods and much much more)... apparently, she's not phased.

I should also add just so people aren't on pins and needles waiting for it (because clearly, I'm that important, hah... right - kidding) - I will not be sharing our birth story when Sweet P makes her grand appearance. I just feel it's one of those things that I want to be "mine" (well, along with DJ's)... I don't think there's one right way to bring a baby into this world and I feel that whatever choices you make during the process should be yours and yours alone (along with the medical team helping bring your little life into the world).  Even though I do have a fairly public blog I'm pretty private when it comes to things like this and don't really want my nitty-gritty birth details google-able... and let's be real, most of you really probably don't want to know.

So, with that being said - get ready for picture overload when our sweet girl comes because clearly I have no problem sharing pictures of sweet babies! On that note, here are some pictures of our [quite possibly] last week as a family of three...

taking advantage of "guilt-free calories" for one last week...

walking on the treadmill...

walking at the lake...

 cuddling on the couch and relaxing....

...and nesting, nesting, nesting - I feel like all the finishing touches on everything are finally done!

so that's that!
40 weeks down - ZERO to go! ready to meet our sweet girl!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

wait.... what?

just had the frightening realization that once I have the baby that we're then going to have to bring it home and take care of it.... this is becoming more and more a reality I am suddenly petrified. I mean, DJ is going to be a great dad - he was born to be a dad... but, me? That's a whole other story.


Wish me luck.

Also, clearly - baby j hasn't made her grand appearance into the world yet -- I can't lie though I have a feeling she's going to be here sooner rather that later.

Until then... Ollie is enjoying his last few days as an only child (and having my lap to himself)....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

38/39 weeks... I shared yesterday, still pregnant. 

I'll let this serve as a 38/39 week update considering I've been all sorts of lazy and didn't really update last week.  It's been a hectic but great week - last week was ridiculously exhausting, I was cramming in all of my last minute work meetings that I really wanted to get done before maternity leave. All of that running around campus combined with all of the swelling I was having [biiiig sore feet and hands] made for an exhausting week.  

LUCKILY, I work for an amazingly accommodating Dean/department and it was per my boss's suggestion that Friday was my last day working out of the office!  Therefore, as of yesterday I'm working from home until Sweet P makes her appearance [hello yoga pants 24/7]! Which is great because I am able to save my vacation/sick time for maternity leave and not start maternity leave until baby j gets here...  So Friday was my last day "in the office" until mid-August (6 weeks maternity leave/6 weeks working from home)... hell to the yes. SO EXCITED.

other than the whole finishing up work/now permanently living in yoga pants for the next three months thing not too much is happening. Sweet P is just plumping up in utero and my doctors appointment yesterday went well - things are "developing" on the cervix front [I'll spare you details] but I'm happy progress is being made. I have an appointment made for Monday afternoon if she's not here yet and we'll talk "what next" at that point -- who knows. Fingers crossed she comes on her own before then! I've been trying to "walk her out" - 2.2 miles at the lake saturday, strolling around downtown Athens sunday and yesterday was spent doing laps at Target! So back to the lake today and hopefully that combined with the Raspberry Tea I've been chugging down non-stop will help get her moving....

what a difference 30 weeks makes... (8 weeks/almost 38 weeks)... I can't believe I was ever that skinny [or that I didn't realize how skinny I was then, damn]... fingers crossed in 30 weeks [or less] I'll be back to the "before picture" 

this past week's snapshots...

so here we are....
7 days until my due-date.
so ready for sweet p to get here!

Monday, May 7, 2012

my first mother's day...

no - no baby yet [weekly update coming tomorrow] but it's crazy to think this year I'll be celebrating my first mother's day (with a baby either in or out of utero, who knows). DJ keeps asking me what I want for mother's day so I thought I'd give him a little cheat sheet post with some hints... I know, I'm the best wife [and soon to be mother] out there! I don't want anything too big or extravagant - but I mean, if DJ really wants to get me something I should give him some ideas, right?

haha... anyways, here's what's on my mother's day wish list...

sleepy moby wrap [$45] - still don't have one of these and I think it would definitely come in handy especially during the six weeks I work from home!

Bath & Body Works Shea-Infused Lounge socks [$7.50] - these are my favorite socks in the whole world [and yes - they are on every "gift-list" that I make]... I could definitely use another pair [or 5]

...a new charm for my Pandora bracelet - I couldn't find a 'mom-specific' one that I liked online but I'm sure there's one out there... - bright gerber daisies are my fave....

...OR I will also gladly accept an edible arrangement [yum]...

lastly, and most importantly what do I want more than anything on mother's day? meet my sweet girl! I cannot wait to be a mom and to hold and love my sweet P! 

come on P! 
get a move on it girlfriend.
I'm ready to kiss your sweet face!