
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Harvest Festival!

last weekend DJ, Will, Jenny and I headed out to the Harvest Festival at the Berkshire Botanical Garden and had a good 'ole time... of course fair food was eaten (sweet potato chips, hotdogs, apple cider and beer) and we took in the festive fall air with friends... my one annoyance was that the newspaper ad said no pets so we didn't bring Oliver... we get there - dogs everywhere. Oh well, that's life...

here are some shots I snapped while we wandered the festival... enjoy! 
{these were so cute I didn't want to eat them... I wanted to take them home as pets}

 {these I did want to eat... so so so good, I could eat these tomatoes like candy!}
{how much do YOU think it weighs?}
{doesn't Indian Corn just scream fall to you?}
{...and of course, PUMPKIN ART!}

hooray fall festivals! :)


  1. I love fall and I am SUPER mad I didn't get to go to the AppleFest in Bayfield. It's crowded with people and that sucks, but still. The whole feel of the place is awesome. And who doesn't like eating cheese curds and apples all day? :)

  2. Those tomatoes look so good! What a beautiful fall day. Poor Ollie, he would've loved those eggplants...

  3. Ah, so much autumn fun in this post!
