
Thursday, November 11, 2010

adios... (for a just a wee bit)

well friends, I hope you have a great weekend! I'll be playing Boston with my love! We're leaving today and have got a great weekend planned with a great concert (Mumford & Sons), lots of good food (I love groupon), a Bruins game, and perhaps a brewary tour... keep sending those healthy thoughts to DJ - he's getting better! Don't worry I'll take lots of pictures of our four-day mini-vaca...

THEN on Monday, I'm flying out to Toronto - yup, going to Canada (EH?) for three days for work! Can you believe this is my first time going to Canada? Don't think I'll get to do much in the town... but I'm determined to have fun and eat good food on the company's dollar!  I'm kinda upset I won't get to do Crossfit for about a week but it's okay - I'm going to try my hardest to eat (semi) good and work out at the hotel!  Oh.... and I guess I'm going to miss these two cuddlebugs also.... seriously? how could you not miss those cute little faces??

does it get any cuter?

happy (early) weekend!


  1. Wow! What a cuddle bug!

    Have fun in Boston. I'm super jealous of your future eating and the concert!

  2. Have fun friend! Can not wait to see all the pictures :)

  3. Aww fun times!! Well have a great time in Boston and in Canada!

  4. Have a great time! Tell everyone in America Jr. (Canada) I say hello. Lol

  5. So sweet! Hope Canada treats you well!

  6. Oh my! That second picture about killed me! So cute!!!

  7. Have fun in Boston.. Oliver is so cute.. I love the pictures!
