
Monday, February 7, 2011

bubbling over.

the packing has BEGUN!

I'm bubbling over with excitement [and anxiety] about our upcoming move - the excitement definitely trumps the worries, but I am just a mix of fun emotions right now!

I'm so excited about being a drive away from friends rather than a plane ride - being closer to my mom, and SUPER close to all of DJ's family. I'm excited about a new job (a tad stressed about the process of getting there, but I know I will). I'm so proud of DJ for following his heart and passion and so excited to watch his dreams become a reality. I've emailed the local ZTA Alum chapters and I can't wait to get involved with those and get reconnected to ZTA. I'm SO excited about being near a Publix again [aka the world's BEST grocery store chain]. I'm excited to clean house and get rid of a lot of clutter and unneed belongings.

It's going to be interesting living with our inlaws for the next year - but I'm so humbled and thankful that they're willing to take us in and help us out.  Get ready, the basement blogger is coming soon to a laptop or desktop near you!  Money is going to be tight for awhile, we have a fair amount saved up but we need to get jobs (at least temporary ones) as soon as we get down there (if anything just for my sanity). I'm not so psyched about living out of storage for the next year and being without my "things" but in reality, it'll be just fine. The job search has been uneventful so far but I was reading my friend Christina's blog today and I saw this quote in one of her older posts...

"The world bursts at the seams with people ready to tell you you're not good enough. On occasion, some may be correct. But do not do their work for them. Seek any job; ask anyone out; pursue any goal. Don't take it personally when they say 'no' - they may not be smart enough to say 'yes.'" - Keith Olbermann

so that's where I am right now, waiting for someone to say yes. I've applied to 47 jobs (and only gotten 6 "no thanks" so far) - and I'm going to keep on applying. I've seen some interesting jobs that I can't wait to share with you - but for now, back to work [only 12 more days here!]


  1. It is SO exciting! Eat it up girl.

    Hope your furbaby isn't getting stressed. I'd hate to see him move from his spot on the couch ;)

  2. Publix is a God send. Good luck in the job search, you'll be close enough to come back to a HESA alumni tailgate in the fall! Yes?!

  3. AH!! I'm so excited for you! It's going to be such a fun adventure. Nothing but good stuff ahead!

  4. Have we discussed this before? I didn't know you were a ZTA...I went to Longwood University :) I was AST, not ZTA, but surely you know that's where their alpha chapter is :)
