
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

oh technology...

found this gem cleaning out my email box and laughing over old gchat convos with DJ...
it's funny to think a little over a year and a half ago the word "iPad" meant nothing to me.... 

january 27, 2010:

for those who don't use the phrase GIB in every other conversation  [like we do] it means "google it bitch" - duh.

also, yes, the last bit has nothing to do with iPads and/or technology but it made me smile... [and laugh at DJ for spelling sweetie wrong, did he just call me sweaty?] 

in related news, my office ordered me an iPad and it should be arriving later this week... I have a feeling my life will never be the same.

in unrelated news, a year and a half later and I still love hamburgers [with cheeese]


  1. I'm totally going to start using GIB. Genius.

  2. I am just stoked that he said I'm out like Trout. Love that one!

    ps...New follower here, and can't wait to read more!
