
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

let's talk about sex...

no, no. not like that - more like the sex of the baby. we're finding out soon so here are the "gender predictions"

  • Carrying High or Low: High [girl] 
  • 140+ per minute = yup. 166 at 13 weeks, 142 at 17 weeks [girl]
  • Sweet or Salty/sour cravings = both. [it's a wash!]
  • Chinese Gender Predictor: boy
  • Mayan legend: mothers age at conception (28 = even), year (2011 = odd): one even, one odd = boy
  • Breaking out: yup. [girl]
  • Ring Test: swings back and forth [girl]
  • Morning sickness: not bad, only got sick twice [boy]
  • Prefer sleeping on your right or left: right [girl]
  • Mother's Intuition: girl!
  • Father's Intuition: boy!
girl: 6
boy: 4

I guess only time will tell... 

for the longest time I was dead-set on a boy. I was a terrible pre-teen/teenager/adult to my mom and I know karma is a biatch and it would come back ten-fold [or twenty] and let's be real, DJ is going to be the fun parent and if it's a girl it's definitely going to like him more. but ever since I got pregnant I just have this feeling it's a girl. But, the most surprising thing is how excited I am by that. I can finally see myself being a mom to a little boy AND a little girl... 

Lets be real - I'm still over the moon happy to be pregnant and I just want a healthy baby! so with that being said, I'm just so excited to find out what baby j is... I feel like it will be more real when we're able to refer to the baby as "she" or "he" and not "it" -- it's not fun to refer to the baby as it. We've recently taken to just using whatever pronoun we decide we want to, less than a week til the pronoun is known!

what do you think?
boy? girl? alien baby?


  1. I think... boy!

    Mostly because I want boys myself! lol

  2. i'm guessing girl with all of my friends lately, so i think the same for you!

    there were way too many boys born in the last year so a rush of girls has to be up next!

  3. i want it to be a boy.

    but then again...a girl would be pretty sweet too.

    let's just hope it isn't both...?

  4. I'm a firm believer in mother's intuition, so I guess girl!

  5. Haha so exciting! I'm going to guess boy but I have no idea!

  6. Ahhh how exciting!!! I can't wait to find out what the sex is!!! I'll be following along to wait and see! :)

    Thanks for stopping by today!! So glad to have found your blog!

  7. I'm going with your intuition-- girl!

  8. Alien baby!!! ha, kidding. I think it's a girl!!!!

  9. I always go with mother's intuition so GIRL. And you line about wanting a boy so reminds me of myself. I dreaded having a girl because I remember what I put my parents through!! I would have been happy with all boys but I am so loving my little girl.
