
Thursday, February 2, 2012

happy birthday mom!

happy birthday to one of the most beautiful, loving, and amazing women I know - my mother.
she's truly shown me the meaning of unconditional love, faithfulness, bravery and selflessness.
other than the biggest gift of all - the gift of life, she's given me so much over my 29 years.
now that I'm pregnant with my own daughter, I have reflected so much on what she has done for me over the years.
she has truly taught me what it means to be a mother and I hope I can give my daughter all the love, wisdom, patience and guidance that she has given me.

all of my life I've been told that I resemble and look like my grandmother - if the same is true for our sweet pea, she'll be one lucky girl.

this year, my mother will get her birthday gift* a few months late - she'll finally get what she's been asking for over the past decade... she'll be a grandmother! she's already been the world's best mom - I can only imagine how amazing of a grandmother she'll be.

so mom, happy birthday - may it be filled with health, laughter and love.
I love you more than words will ever be able to convey.
thanks for everything, most of all - just being you.

*don't worry, she'll get another "real" gift too


  1. Precious! Happy birthday to your mom!

  2. Awww, hope she has a great birthday! Those pictures are awesome, especially the first one and those of her with your dad. Love!
